HoHoHo.. i Was TaggeD bY bOyzzz!!
1. Story behind your MySpace song?
MySpace aku lagu ape ek? Ta hengat le.. Friendster aku hengat le.. lagu unintended~muse… sebab, aku suke lagu nie..
2. Whats bothering you right now?
Mlm nie ade presentation EIS, adoi! X prepare ape nie..
3. Do you close the door when you pee?
Op cos la totop, just sumtimes tu x totop rapat gak, sebab kunci pintu tu rosak.. tapi da tak tahan, buat bodo je le..
4. Wallet?
Aku tertinggal wallet aku kat umah rini.. adoi, segala dokumen penting dlm tuh.. kene tangkap ngan polis maspus aku.. ketepe ngak ada nih..
5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop
Birder’s Magazine, gambar burung kelicap nak isap madu bunga.. comel gile burung nie.. background ader hijau2 sket (sebab suasana pokok nan kehijauan) kedamaian.. I like green!!
6. Background on your cell phone?
Apple! Green also.. haha I like green so much.. sukati aku la nak suke kale ijo.. kau tak suke?
7. Jewelry worn daily?
nop, I dun like pakai cencen2 or acesory2 nih.. jam pun tade.. tengok kat henpon suda..
8. Where your default picture was taken?
Default picture kat mane plak nie?? Fster ~ opis, Myspace ~ opis, Blogspot ~ umah aku yg selessa!!
9. Eye color?
ntah! Tak penah terpikir plak nak tau kale ape pon.. itam kot.. tapi penah kaler ijo dulu2.. selepas aku welding2 x pakai spek.. Best woo mate kale ijo cam HULK!!!
10. Life:
Quite busy n tacokop tido.. Huarghhh! Nantok nie.. dan LIFE nie so hard to breath u know!..
11. House:
Umah mane? Umah sewa? Ke umah mak bapak aku kat kampong? Umah sendiri tade lagi, tamampo lo.. umah sewa aku tade pebende… TV beso yg tade Astro ngan Kitchen yg tade esbox.. dala mahal byr rm600 sebulan, tapi tade pape.. bodo punya pakcik umah.. bagi la aircond, ps3, laptop sorang sebijik, esbox sorang sebijik, bmw ke ape ke.. hehehe..
Umah mak bapak aku kat kampong? Uwaaaa! Aku rindu sama kamu2.. bila mau balik nih?
12. Doing this weekend?
Cuti merdeka sampai senin, tapi sabtu tetap keje cam besa.. ntah, tade plan ape2 pun nak buat.. jaga kedai n study kot kalau rajin..
13. Wearing?
T-shirt kompeni ngan sweater Adidas kesayangan ku.. Thanks..
Bisnes sendiri yg meletup2 sales, duit masuk akaun aku beribu2 tiap hari, cepat2 abes study, n yg paling penting dpt byr balik tido aku yg tacokop nih…
15. Where are you?
opis le.. mane lagi pagi2 weekdays camnie.. everyday is working-working-working.. Ni aku buat servey nie sebab aku nantok…
16. Listening to?
Sinar FM.. akak admin nie bukak radio kuat2 guna henpon opis.. layankan je la..
17. Have you ever hugged or kissed anyone lately?
err, hugged tu aper?
18. What do you smell like?
Adidas sport deo, dan wangi2 raspberry shower gel.. aku mandi pagi tadi ok!
19. Eating?
Nasi lemak+Roti2+buah2an+sup2+maggie
20. Besides your bed, what is your favorite things?
Kedua2 henpon aku, alarm untuk aku bangun pagi besok..
21. Do you believe in a soul mate?
Sumtimes jak..
22.Do you sleep naked?
Kalau sorang2 dlm bilik, maybe.. hoho!
23. Do you remember your dreams?
Pagi tadi bile bangun tido aku ingat aku mimpi ape, tapi skang nak ingat balik da lupe la.. adus!!
24. Do you believe dreams come true?
Ntah, tatau nak ckp.. sebab aku cepat lupe ape mimpi aku.. hoho
25. Do you believe in miracles?
Miracles as takdir…yess!! (jwpn boyz nie) kite same jek…
26. Do you burn easily in the sun?
gile ko kene matahari je terus terbakar?? Igt aku kertas keeping ke hape.. hoho, standard la kalau time2 outstation tuh, balik2 gelap+berminyak2 la muke haku!!
27. Do you speak another language other than English?
yach! Op cos, MALAY.. n sumtimes sabahans slang..
28. What's something you wish you could understand better?
memahami perasaan pompuan.. jgn mara aku sbb aku memang tak paham perasaan2 nie.. perasaan aku sendiri pun aku tak paham..
29. What did you do last weekend?
Aku dpt job wat wiring and pasang lampu di kompleks Anjung@7.. Aku habiskan weekend aku juga dgn kerja.. yach!! I’am ready, I’am ready, I’am ready (cam Sponge Bob nak g keje)
30. Who do you miss?
Mak ngan Abah dan awak…
31. Have you ever been in a car crash?
Car crash yg teruk2 tu tade rasanya.. tapi lorry crash penah.. gile abg aku tu bwk lori mcm nak bunuh adik die kat sebelah… ape2pun I hate u abg!!!
32. Orange or apple juice?
22 sedap kalau pandai buat… tapi lately aku minum 22 tasedap.. sebab byk hampas!! Cheh!!
33. Who were the last people you went somewhere with?
somewhere tu yg mane? Jauh2 ke dekat2?
34. What was the last text message you received?
Assalamualaikum, sempena ingin menyambut bulan yang mulia bulan ramadhan ini p-e mengambil kesempatan untok memohon ampon maaf atas segala kesilapan +++ (dari adik aku.. ot)
35. Last text message you sent?
Ok, tiada p.e salah dgn abg.. abg da ampun dan halal segala. Abg pun mintak ampun maaf dari p.e. semuga kite dpt harungi ramadhan dgn rahmat dari tuhan…
36. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?
Aku mmg makan tomato, tapi kat umah aku tade tanam tomato sendiri..
37. What is the closest thing to you that is blue?
byk.. jeans,sweater,dunhill light.. sume closest nih..
38. What was the last thing you ate?
Nasi putih + telur bungkuih.. tasedap langsong..
39. Soalan ilang!! (salah kandryx!!)
40. Whose house did you go to last night?
umah sendiri la…
41. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
tak visited, just tolong antar.. antar pejal kene suspek denggi kat HTAR
42. Do you like someone right now?
If I like pun I can’t.. because I oledy busy wif my own life..
43. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants?
keje, slack.. g kelas or jln2 jeans suda.. sumtimes short..
44. What is the last movie you watched?
Wall ‘e’ n Eve yg comel!!
45. Have you ever heard of the band Sweet Garden
46. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Kompeni bagi…
47. Coach or NFL game tickets?
aku kalau nak tengok pun tengok kat tv suda..
48. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
49. Do you believe that you can change someone?
maybe can’t.. u change ur self la kalau mau..
50. Do you want someone you can't have?
x guna mengharap jikalau org tamo..
Mari menge"TAG" dia.. hahaha
1) waney
2) diana
3) lia
4) pejal
5) arief
6) tina
Biar reti beza
10 months ago
hahahhaa.. ok gak topik soal jawab nih.. cumel...
ready je arr...sekarang nih musim tagged...aku nih ade dua lagik yang belom dipost....syial!!!
pu3leia: hoho, so make ur tag done..
boyz: uhuhu... jgn tagged yg pening pale boyz.. bagi yg mcm 1+1 suda.. =p
Aku dah tagged Dr khir toyo!!! wah...!!! bestnye..wahh!!! excitednye..
untuk ko man...aku tagged yang lain nanti...senang je kot...erm...hahahha...excitednye!!!
(mcam budak bodow plak rasenye)
huhu huhu huhu...
aku pun turut excited nih!!..
huhu huhu huhuh...
boyz: tagged...dah siap dah bro.. phm2 la ye.. kalau tak paham leh tanya...
hati2 balik johor.. check kete banyak kali k.. x nak ape2 jadi. k..
please.. worried bout ur car..
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